We are all used to seeing big tough guys picking on small/frail freshmen. We are also used to seeing the "not so pretty" teenage girl getting targeted by the more popular "it" girls of the school. Bullying in earlier times was more of a "physical" thing. Bullies had to be face to face with their victims in order to for the bullying to take effect. Bullies had to be in the presence of their victims in order to humiliate them and cause physical/psychological harm. An actual face and identity was placed with bullies 50 years ago. With modern technology, bullies are able to do their dirty work anonymously. Due to this, bullying has become a much more severe issue today. Bullies no longer have to find their victims hiding in the bathrooms or running down the halls to reach safety. Instead, they can bully from the behind the comfort of their computer screen. They can just log onto Facebook or Instagram and start posting.
Not surprisingly, with the anonymous bullying occurring today there is a lack of remorse or worry concerning potential consequences. Personally speaking, it seems as though people on the internet are a new type of mean. Bullies on the internet are way more vicious and harsh. These people are quick to attack, easy to anger, and take cruel to a whole new level. In today's internet world, bullies are relentless and they sometimes even bully to the point of causing suicide in their peers. Due to the technology at our hands nowadays, bullies are able to almost stalk their victims because it is so easy to do with people using the internet to post their location, what activity they're currently doing , etc. As discussed in the text, technology( in this case the internet) is not intrinsically "good" or "bad" but rather it is the people who use technology that use it poorly or use it well who make it good or bad. What I took from today's reading is that in my topic of bullying, technology is not to blame behind why bullying has increased so much or why teenagers are committing suicide but rather it is the people to blame for using the technology in such a poor way.
Cyber bullying has been one of the internet's downfalls. Saying that bullies are typically some of the most cowardly and insecure people that there are , the internet and social media outlets are their playground to torture others. It is also a place where you can make yourself into anyone who you would like to be. However , on the other end of the spectrum there are people who may go on the internet and find the love of their lives. Agreeing with you, the internet is neither ethically good nor bad. The internet is only as good or as bad as the ethically good or bad human who is in control of what they use the internet for.