Friday, September 4, 2015

How Dangerous is Sleepwalking?

I feel like we really have become so accustomed to all of the technology around us that we don't even realize most times how often we actually use it until we no longer have it. Sleep walking through life because we rely so heavily on technology is really sad, but if you think more about how and why we rely on technology you might disagree. If we get stranded, if gun fire breaks out, if we see a person bleeding out on a side walk, or see a cop beating a person up. We automatically look for our phones to record, cal for help, google what to do, or just ask Siri. Now all of those incidents sound really extreme but they have all happened recently and being able to quickly communicate via social media or how ever it may be, smart phones make us feel safe because for most of us we like knowing that our loved ones aren't that far away, or that safety for us or someone else isn't that far. So yes, while getting lost can be fun and regular everyday life is sually pretty boring but these things do happen to us and we want to be safe so sometimes seepwalking through life is dangerous but sometimes its comfort zone and it keeps us safe. So it's up to us to keep it on the safe side and not get super invested in technology and sleep walk into a hole or something. =]

1 comment:

  1. Agreeing with your post , humans do indeed have a bittersweet addiction to technology. It has literally become our lifeline. As you mentioned, we solely depend on it during our times of urgent need. The pattern has been that old technologies phase out as new ones emerge. However , it makes me think about what would happen if one day our beloved technologies were to suddenly betray us and not carry out the functions that we so need them to. It is amazing how we have been "sleepwalking" for so long that we have forgotten how fragile these technologies really are. Would we resort to the old technologies or would we be completely lost????
