Friday, September 4, 2015

Is Technology Taking Over the World?

Technology is the most progressive aspect of human intelligence. Although it is man-made, technology is in a totally different bracket from anything else man-made such as shoes, clothes, etc. As we have discussed lately, technology has progressed in a way that news travels faster, people can always know what people are doing or where they are. Plus, technology is literally everywhere. Technology is so progressive and apparent that it has become a part of everyday life such as functioning, planning, listening to music and communicating. Technology has become so innovative that updates for social media sites happen automatically, news is more apparent and reaches a larger crowd, and it draws everyone's attention on a regular basis. I know personally, my phone is glued to my hand. I check it constantly; it holds everything that I need to get through the day, and it can answer all of my questions. While reading about technology somnambulism, I had not realized how much of my daily routines changed based on the progression of technology. Of course I use technology every day, but it did not click that I use technology about 99.9% of the time. One of the concepts presented on page 55 was that "systems we adopt shed their tool-like qualities to become part of our very humanity". This was interesting to me because it implies that humans are functioning only because of the vast expansion of technology. It also implies that technology is given human like qualities and values. Are we allowing technology to become a part of our lives, or are we just using it because of its useful nature? If technology ceased today, would the world be able to function thoroughly? My personal answer would be that if everyone solely relies on technology in order to get through the day, it would not be able to function. Will technology keep advancing to the point of taking over the world?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely and I feel that if just for a day the world didn't use simple handheld technologies people would go crazy without smart phones, because we rely so heavily on them. But on a larger scale of technologies such as cars, television, streaming, and so on, the world might just stop. As people we are so dependent on technologies that there are probably few people left who know how to survive with out it. So I think that technology has already taken over the world.
