Thursday, September 3, 2015

Help! My toaster is trying to take over the world.

The discussion in class on Monday, was does technology have ethics, that is to say is technology good or bad. I tend to be on the fence that says, no technology is inanimate object and is neither good nor bad. It is the use of the inanimate object by a conscious guided being that is either good or bad. That being said  I'm pretty sure my toaster is out to get me, the speed at which burnt toast is projected from it heated coils could be considered lethal. But is my toaster a thinking being bent on my destruction or is it the many years of abuse from a family of four pounding on the side of demanding toast and jam. When I think about good or bad, inanimate objects do not come to mind. I feel that to be good or bad is a distinct conscious guided action, this is something my toaster does not posses. Where the question get a little blurrier is when I factor in AI, but does it? Supposedly AI will happen spontaneously, many years ago I was afraid of a spontaneous Kirby (the furry little toys in the 90's that could learn supposedly) rising up from the deepest depths of my toy box and demand to know why I don't play with him anymore, but alas that did not happen.  If AI does happens then it would be a thinking machine one that would be able to think critically and if one thinks critically; would that be considered the beginning of a conscious?  If so, then conscious of the machine could be good or bad, and the ramification of that are quite horrifying i.e. sky net and the destruction of the whole human race.( I may have some deep seeded issues with world domination) And so to repeat myself once more, I do not think inanimate object are neither good nor evil, I think it is the one controlling said object that is either good or evil.  Honestly I can only pretend to have the answers in truth I mostly wrong and I'm OK with being wrong. But if I am I expect help from everyone if my toaster decides to take over the world.

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