Friday, September 25, 2015

What's up with Humanity?

Lots of people are jerks. And for the most part I don't like them. I only really talk to people if I have enough people around me that I know will help me out when I inevitably flounder. I can do it for a while, but I leave feeling incredibly drained. So I try to avoid it completely. And honestly, I think that a lot of people feel the same way. Why is it that so many people find communicating with people daunting.
A humane action is supposed to be pretty close to a benevolent action. It's interesting that as humans we find it difficult to put faith in other humans' humanity. I'm not sure if technological advances have made us more insensitive to people. I don't know if it's just made us more away of aggressive people. I do think that it's helped to change our minds about the way people are.

In The Most Human Human, we find out that the one of the previous winners of the title "Most Human Human" got that award for being a generally dislikable and moody individual. This did not surprise me, even though I did find it somewhat disturbing. Now I'm not sure if Humans are slowly becoming more rotten, or if just human's perception of humanity is becoming slowly more rotten. But either way if that's how's we judge these AI's I'm sure I don't wouldn't want to meet the winner of that Turing Test.


  1. I totally understand where you are coming from because I am the same way! I do not really like people either. I do not mind interacting with new people but I also try to avoid it if possible. I think technological advances have made people more insensitive to others, and I think cyber bullying is an example of that. Before cell phones and computers, people were not as quick to say harsh things to people, but technology has made people blunt and mean because they can hide behind their computer screens.

  2. I think that, specifically, it's anonymity that makes cyberbullying such a prevalent thing. I think for the most part, those humans who would be naturally inclined to try to hurt or provoke someone won't do it because of the consequences. Remove the ability to find out or prove who is behind the attacks, and suddenly they've got nothing to fear. Thankfully, I also believe that most people are disinclined to bully others. :)

  3. I agree with you Beatrice. As a human who get anxiety when surrounded by a lot of people, I can relate to you. However, I do believe that as humans we must work on changing our online behaviors so we do not lose our interpersonal skills. I do not think that our view of humanity has become more rotten but rather we have allowed those bad habits to become a strong part of ourselves as humans. Humanity to me will always include kindness and emotions and right now most humans do not show those qualities. We need to change our behavior in order to change humanity as a whole.

  4. Beatrice, I also found it really ironic that the award for the Most Human Human was given to the award because he was "being a generally dislikable and moody individual." What does that say about humanity today? If a piece of intelligence can be characterized as the "Most Human Human" because it was basically being mean doesn't that alarm you?

  5. Beatrice, I also found it really ironic that the award for the Most Human Human was given to the award because he was "being a generally dislikable and moody individual." What does that say about humanity today? If a piece of intelligence can be characterized as the "Most Human Human" because it was basically being mean doesn't that alarm you?

  6. Beatrice, I also found it really ironic that the award for the Most Human Human was given to the award because he was "being a generally dislikable and moody individual." What does that say about humanity today? If a piece of intelligence can be characterized as the "Most Human Human" because it was basically being mean doesn't that alarm you?
