Friday, September 11, 2015

Dick Pics (contains no dick pics, sorry guys) ((Ok, maybe one))

I love John Oliver. It's hard not to (unless you're a prick); speaking of, John made several great points about Edward Snowden and Section 215, but the one that gathered the most attention was the "dick pic." In other words, people are concerned about their privacy because they want their nude pictures to be concealed. I appreciate his sense of humor, but this was particularly disappointing to me because people do not comprehend the severity of the Patriot Act and government agencies having access to EVERYTHING you say or do, unless it can be applied to dick pics. Granted, some could acknowledge the other consequences of leaked information i.e. military secrets, but little else. To them I say, honor your penis, your military, and everything in between (lots)
by demanding privacy.

Our government intentionally instills fear in us so they can gain our support for invasions of privacy and *cough* war. This begs the question: what is more important: privacy or security? Well, there are benefits to both; and the constitution mentions rights to both, but the follow-up question is, how successful are the invasions? I was interested to find out that the constant recording and documenting has only overheard one rather juvenile "terrorist" plot.

Ok there's your dick pic:
The marvelous: Dick Cheney 

I am interested in politics as an occupation, but I do not intend to pursue it for numerous reasons. Mainly, I don't want to get caught up in lies, corruption, kissing ass, blah blah blah; but, I also do not think I could if I wanted to, because one decent hacker could find ample nudes, partying pictures, etc. Everything we do is documented: even after you click "delete," even if you think something was privately shared between you and one other person, it is indefinitely in someone's hands. I appreciated that Snowden said to "Should we keep taking dick pics?" - "Yes, you shouldn't change your behavior...or sacrifice your values because you're afraid." We, the nude takers, are right: those who wrongfully invade our pictures are wrong.

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