When discussing the emergence of new cyber terrorism technologies it makes me think about how we DON'T know about the potential harm that it can bring. Of course , we are aware of the hacking of our personal information, and government conspiracies about what is actually being done with our leaked info. However , I think that this is the time when we really need to take a step back , and evaluate what we still need to learn about cyberterrorism. The picture above is from an article on the Brookings Institution website that explains the top fears of Americans(I will post the link to the entire article below my post). The article was published October 30, 2015, so the data should be up to date. Saying that cyberterrorism ranks #2 out of 89 other random fears, it says that we have yet to fully discover how potentially harmful it actually is. I think that more energy should be put into understanding cyberterrorism, and how/if everyone can protect themselves from attack. In one of my previous classes my professor told us that it is hard for millennials to predict what career field we would like to enter, primarily because alot of the jobs of the future don't even exist yet. Now we have branches of the FBI and Homeland Security to assist with cyberterrorism. However, I think that eventually it will become such a major issue that we will have to dedicate a completely new branch of government agencies that deal with nothing but potential cyber attacks. We invest so much of our lives into technology, and as time goes on we are going to invest more and more. So we are going to need someone to help us secure all of our information.
LINK TO FULL ARTICLE : http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/techtank/posts/2015/10/30-americans-top-technology-fears
I definitely agree with you, especially about the future need for jobs to help combat this issue. We as regular everyday humans may not be targets get but, people who hack could start doings things at random and attacking more than a person at a time. It's like the need for different court divisions, as a problem increases you have to set in place something to help with a solution to the hacking or whatever cyber terrorism that may come about and also to try and understand why they do it. It doesn't surprise me that this is so high on the list of fears Americans have.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you as well. We, as individuals in society, need to definitely learn as much as possible about cyber terrorism. We need to obtain as much knowledge as possible to be able to prevent and protect ourselves again the harm of cyber terrorism. I find it to be very scary that we have so little knowledge about something as terrifying/unpredictable as cyber terrorism.Energy should definitely be put into learning how to protect ourselves against terrorism seeing as it is an issue that could cause so much damage. Good point about the jobs of the future! It truly is hard to pick a career when new majors/minors to study and areas of the job field are spontaneously appearing or not existing at all yet.
ReplyDeleteI think your right, people don't fully understand the potential harm of cyber terrorism. I am not surprised that cyber terrorism is the least of peoples concerns. I know that if I wasn't taking this class then I wouldn't know that much about it because I just don't care about technology. Taking this class makes me realize that I should care about technology will affect the future . . . my future because things such as cyber terrorism could mess up many lives. As far as there needing to be a branch of government that deals with cyber terrorism threats, I agree with that, but I think that already exists. I think the government hides so much stuff that there possibly is already people in the government that deals with cyber attacks. That is not hard to believe with all the government conspiracies out there.