Saturday, November 7, 2015

Buzzfeed Keeping Us in the Loop

I saw this interesting article on Buzzfeed and figured I'd share it with the class. This link -> GMail of the Future will take you to the article. But it's basically about how we won't have to respond to emails ourselves anymore, our GMail accounts will read up on the what we typically say in email responses and come up with one specifically for us.

If this doesn't scream "someone is looking at your inbox" I'm not sure what does. Not that we needed anymore proof, but this is obviously another way to reinforce our laziness and distract us with the fact that some people out there are looking for more ways to hack into our day to day lives. It relates to our class in so many ways: the black mirror series, future terrorism/ hacking, and what is privacy.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a rather creepy way and not really efficient way of responding to emails. First of all, how many times do you respond to emails in one sentence? The basic email will take a little bit of explanation so just shortening the typing plan for about 5 seconds is not really worth it in my opinion. Second, I do not feel comfortable with Goggle gathering and recording that much of my data that they are able to predict my email replies. I can see how they might promote this as a necessity or an improvement but I would rather not have them snooping that closely on my emails.
