Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Problem of Stem Cell Research

I actually never understood much about stem cell research until watching this documentary, but instead of forming a solid opinion, I find myself conflicted. I can understand the argument against using embryos for stem cell research. I believe that an embryo is still cells, as it is not yet a fetus, but it still has the potential to become a human life. However, I disagree with unused embryos being destroyed. First of all, it seems contradictory to argue that embryos shouldn't be used for stem cell research because one believes they are alive, only to destroy them if they haven't been used by the donors. I feel like frozen embryos that are not used should be donated to infertile parents, or parents looking to adopt, or donated to help with stem cell research. I also agree with Amber, that the choice should be up to the donors. They are the ones that created the cells, and unlike a child in a custody battle or under the care of the state, there is no health risk in letting the parents decide what to do with the embryos. I understand that in some countries like Ireland, stem cell research using embryos is illegal, but then the donors should still have the option to donate the embryos to another couple or parent that might be trying to have a child. Stem cell research can change lives not only through the research it contributes to, but also by allowing individuals the chance at parenting when they might have never gotten that chance without the scientific knowledge we have today. Instead of choosing a side, I guess it's safer for me to say I believe that the donors should ultimately have the decision of what happens to their embryos. Donated to science, or to prospective parents, either seems better to me than throwing away what could potentially be a life or help discover a cure to life changing diseases.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thoughts on stem cell research! Stem cell research has been in the ethical gray area for some time now. However , if the creators of the cells agree to donate them then there should be no question. Especially , if the cells were only going to be destroyed anyway!
