Monday, November 30, 2015

Babies, Babies, and more Babies!! Babies for All!

I must admit, there was little that I was aware about when it came down to stem cell research. Thanks to the video, I now know more! With the knowledge that I have about stem cell research now, I can now say that I honestly do feel like stem research is a brilliant idea. Although, I am totally against destroying the unused embryos; simply because if an embryo is considered as a life, then destroying these will somewhat also be destroying a life. And if that really is the case I am totally against it.

Let's think about it for a minute. If stem cell research gives women the opportunity to produce, (especially those who could not before) this is a pretty good experiment. You are literally giving women hope that they may not have had before.

I guess I'm so excited about it because of my personal experience. (No I'm not afraid to admit this) I have a condition know as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). It is a case where women have higher chances of contacting cysts on their ovaries. Although you do not necessarily get pregnant in your ovaries, your ovaries does play a portion in the who conception stage. In most cases, women who actually have PCOS, the chances of having a child is low compared to average. So the thought of stem cell research sounds like a good idea to me simply because of this particular reason.

My only concern is that if there will be any negative  consequences resulting from this. That is all. And if there are any consequences are they gonna be minor or major.


  1. I am for stem cell research because the embryo is considered a potential life that has not actually been created yet. Looking at it from that point, there is nothing wrong with stem cell research. Stem cells can help people have children and it can help cure diseases such as Parkinson's diseases. People should not look at it as killing a person because it hasn't developed yet.

  2. Honestly,I was also against stem cell research before viewing the video. That being said, I do not think that it's necessarily completely bad to destroy embryos especially if the owners consent to give them up for science. I'm not sure if I would actually label embryos as fellow humans or an actual life because they will not have that chance at human life until they are forming in the womb. I do think that stem cell research is greatly needed to drive research on disease and other things of the medical nature in today's society. Personally speaking, if the embryos are not going to form to become a human, why not use them for some good? Its definitely much better than letting them just go to waste. In the case of stem cell research, it seems to me as if the good definitely outweighs the bad! Overall, I believe that stem cell research offers a way to better improve medical outcomes for the population in general.
