Friday, December 11, 2015

Study on College Students Drinking and Driving

I read an article about a study that found that 1 in 5 college students drink and drive. Plus, 40 percent of college admitted to have driven with someone that was under the influence of alcohol. There have been many studies about examining drinking and driving in college students, but this study was one of the first to actually examine how college students drinking behaviors change throughout their time in college using the same sample of students. The students in this study were interviewed once a year while they were in college. The questions they were asked consisted of if they drove drunk or with any amount of alcohol in their system and if they drove with someone who was drunk. The results in other studies showed that the underclassmen were more likely to drink and drive. However, this study revealed that "alcohol-related problem behaviors" increased with age probably because the older students had access to their own car and were old enough to purchase alcohol. Plus, the study showed that college men were more likely to drink under the influence than college women. There was a discussion about whether reducing the legal age to drink to 18 years old would reduce the likelihood of alcohol related accidents. This study shows that this is a horrible idea and would most likely increase the amount of alcohol related accidents because they would have less driving experience.

This article "BACed Up" our project because it showed the reason why an app like "BAC Up" would be helpful to have. Plus, the article showed that college students who were 21 years old and older were involved in more alcohol related accidents than any other age group. It seems that our app, wrist Breathalyzer, and phone case should be geared more towards college students because they are more likely to drink and drink. Of course, anyone can use this product, but it seems like it will be more useful for college students.

Here is a link to the article:

1 comment:

  1. You all's group project was AWESOME! I thought that it was planned out really well , and very organized. I think it is weird how college drinking has beena problem for decades , but there have not been very many technical innovations to address the problem. It is almost like society accepts college drinking and the wreckless behaviors that come with it as a natural part of life. There are groups that pass out different little nic-nacs that say things like " I pledge to not drink and drive" , but who are they kidding? People are still going to do it! I think that BAC Up would be a really good app that all college campuses should promote to really address this problem.
