Saturday, August 29, 2015

Brock's Thoughts on the Roanoke Shooting

The shooting that occurred in Roanoke, while a horrible tragedy, was disturbing for two main reasons to me. First of all, obviously, people were murdered in cold blood. Murder of any kind always brings enough pain and suffering on its own. But more than that, these murders could clearly be heard happening on live television. So second of all, technology broadcasting these murders for all to witness (at least partially) makes the situation that much more horrible, especially for the families of the victims. Whether or not the footage should've been taken down, I'm not completely sure about how I feel. As it originally happened on live TV, I feel like people have the right to see it. But on the other hand, due to the violent and chilling nature of the video, I feel like people shouldn't be exposed to that. Only if they desire to view the footage, should they actually see it. Therefore I suppose I feel like it should be available for viewing to the general public, but not be available on sites designed to expose people information such as Facebook or Twitter. Other than that, I only feel sad that this tragedy happened and I'm disturbed by the intimacy technology brings us to this horrible violence.


  1. Generally, I have the "if it's going on, you should be aware" point of view, but your point made me consider an individual with different circumstances. While I want citizens to wake up and address real issues, I am sensitive to the topic of mental illness; for example, if someone has a form PTSD or anxiety that could be triggered by a dramatic/graphic scene, they should not have to be exposed to such a tragedy. I think most people should stay up to date with current events and take similar events seriously, but there may be an exception.
